This toolkit is addressed at regional and local policy-makers responsible for implementation of the 2030 Agenda, as well as other stakeholders involved in the process. Its goal is to support and guide on how to organise meaningful participation of young people. It provides a set of principles, methods and concrete tips of how to maximise the meaningful participation of youth in the programming, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the people reached by the Youth in Transistion project.
Moreover, it offers examples of how particular techniques were successfully used in the past.
The toolkit builds on extensive deskwork, review of relevant literature, and engagement and interviews with experts and stakeholders. This analytical work led to the identification of good guidelines, examples of youth engagement in policy processes, transferable to the EDU2030 project context.

Moreover, the project sought to directly involve young people, policymakers, youth organisations and stakeholders in shaping the main design elements of the toolkit, so as to ensure it is as useful and as close as possible to the real needs and challenges of both young people and the authorities working on the Transition the project aims to foster.

The toolkit will be structured in four main sections:

  1. Section I ‘Basic conditions for meaningful youth participation’ includes the step-by-step golden rules, basic conditions and enablers that authorities should always bear in mind when embarking on youth participation processes.
  2. Section II ‘Youth participation along the Transition’ offers advice on how to meaningfully engage with youth at each of the main stages of the 2030 Agenda localization: programming, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. It outlines the specificity of and opportunities for youth participation at each stage, including associated enablers and conditions needed for successful and
    meaningful youth participation, as well as concrete methods, tools and techniques suitable for each stage.
  3. Section III ‘Ensure youth impact and address concrete challenges’ provides concrete advice and solutions for some of the recurring enablers and challenges you might encounter when approaching
    youth participation.
  4. Annex Document provides detailed outlines of guidelines and examples of youth participation from across Europe that are referenced throughout the toolkit. They provide possibilities to not only learn from these projects’ experiences, but also to take interesting ideas and methods from them, and adapt them to your own local context, needs and capabilities.

This Toolkit aims to encourage more ambitious, meaningful and numerous youth participation processes in the regions targeted by the EDU203 project, and that the effects of such processes will lead to better-quality strategies and interventions addressing the challenges of the just transition.

You can find it below in english!
Other languages follow!